Caring for a swimming pool and keeping it clean can be quite fulfilling, this is because you will always have a pool that is ready for use for swimming or for a party. Irrespective of the fact that you’ve recently purchased a pool or are an experienced owner, it is crucial to know the right ways of maintaining the pool. To help you keep your pool in the best condition always, we have outlined some of the best tips and techniques for pool maintenance.
To ensure that your pool is free from debris and algae you should clean your pool routinely. Clean the surface of your pool with a pool net every day to eliminate leaves, bugs, and other particles that may have fallen in it. Sweep the walls as well as the floor of the pool once a week to avoid the growth of algae and to ensure the smooth surface of the pool. You should also vacuum your pool every week, to get rid of dust and any other particles that have gathered at the bottom.
The filter of your pool is one of the most important pieces that help in the purification process of the water by filtering out the unwanted particles. Pool filters can be of three types; sand filter, cartridge filter, and diatomaceous earth filter. It is recommended that you back wash your sand filter or clean the cartridge filter on a regular basis. For those who have Pentair pool filter, one should adhere to the recommended maintenance and replacement of the filter elements as recommended by the manufacturer.
Water circulation is important so that the chemicals are evenly distributed throughout the water and so that algae do not grow. It is recommended that you operate your pool pump for 8-12 hours in a day particularly when the swimming season is on. It is recommended to clean the pump strainer basket from time to time to avoid blockage and enhance its performance.
Balancing the chemicals in your pool water is very important in order to avoid things such as water fogging, algae, and itchy skin. It is recommended that you test pool water weekly using a pool testing kit that is credible. Maintain the ph, alkalinity and chlorine content where necessary. It is advisable to use non-chlorine pool shock to help in the oxidation of contaminants and therefore do not add more chlorine to the pool.
If one wishes to use the least chlorine, there are other forms of pool treatments that can be used including UV pool systems and chemical free pools. This kind of water pool systems, the UV systems, works by killing bacteria and viruses through the application of ultraviolet light; thus, minimizing the use of chemical products. Another treatment which can be used in the management of a pool without using chlorine is also very effective in keeping the water clean and safe.
Media in the filter of your pool can gradually degrade in effectiveness. It is advisable to change the pool filter sand every 3 to 5 years to help in proper filtration. If you have a cartridge filter, then following the recommendations of the manufacturer, replace cartridges.
One should consider having a water filtration system in order to enhance the quality of water in the home swimming pool. Iron water filters, fluoride water filters and common water purification systems are useful in ridding the water source of contaminant and hence maintaining clean pool water.
Purchasing a swimming pool heat pump is a good way of increasing the swimming season since it can heat up the water to a comfortable temperature. It is advisable to inspect and service your heat pump often so that it works at its best.
However, with a pool party, you get to enjoy the pool while at the same time, introduce more dirt and contaminants. Some steps to be followed after a pool party include; skimming, vacuuming, and shocking of the pool water.
For those who do not want to be bothered by such tasks, it is advised to hire pool service which will maintain your pool at the proper level. A professional service can do simple cleaning to extensive cleaning, repairs, and even water treatment.
It is for this reason that proper cleaning of the pool and other aspects of pool maintenance need to be done on a regular basis. Following these tips and techniques will help you maintain your pool in the best way possible so that you can use it at any time. Thus, no matter if you prefer doing the cleaning on your own or delegate it to a professional, you will be able to enjoy your pool wherever it is and whenever you want.
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