Overcoming Anxiety: Taking a Practical Approach to Control Your Life

Overcoming Anxiety: Taking a Practical Approach to Control Your Life

Overcoming Anxiety: Taking a Practical Approach to Control Your Life

If you feel a weight on your chest, a persistent pain in the back of your mind, a constant feeling of overwhelming worry and fright, there is a strong likelihood that you’re suffering from anxiety. Because it promotes a nagging feeling, we feel lazy to even perform the simplest tasks. But, the good news is that you can overcome anxiety if you follow the right instructions using the right tools and mindset. As much as we understand how difficult it is to break through an internal obstacle, we also believe that consistency is key. All we ask is that you rely on us to feel peace and happiness again. It is important to have faith that what you have felt before can be felt again.

It is common to feel weak, to feel like you’re alone, or that no one understands you. But before you make your initial move to come out of it, remember that you’re not alone. Doing so will give you the hope and motivation to push through it.

What is the Root Cause of Your Anxiety?

To cure an illness, one identifies the root cause of it. Just like one thing is enough to trigger a physical illness, there’s also something to trigger a mental illness. To save yourself hassle, start with identifying your triggers to understand the root causes of your anxiety. Is it stress, trauma, genetics, or environmental factors? Take your time to think about it and give yourself a chance.

What Triggers Your Anxiety?

After you’ve learnt about your triggers, focus on understanding ‘why’ they’re your triggers. To put it into simpler words, triggers can arise from unpleasant events or situations, making you feel anxious or stressed. It could be anything that caused anxiety to you, such as public speaking, work deadlines, financial pressures, social situations, or something personal to you. Once you’re past this step, you can strategize a plan to tone down your anxiety, and ultimately, overcome it.

It is Okay to Ask for Help

When plan A fails, plan B comes to rescue. Don’t lose hope if you fail to identify your triggers. It may be vague to you if you’re suffering from severe and persistent anxiety, and that is completely normal. In such a situation, it is important that you seek professional help. A mental health professional can perform this job better.

It’s the Little Things That Matter

When we’re going through difficult times like this, there is a high probability that we’re not taking care of ourselves. It doesn’t take much to feel happy instantly. It does not have to be a physical manifestation. It could be something as simple as skincare, exercise, yoga, meditation, or affirming to yourself. Make sure to look for happiness in the smallest things.

“Little things make us more happy than many things put together…” –Sherin James



Name a Better Medicine than Sleep

Ask yourself if you’re sleeping well. Getting a good night’s sleep is like half the cure of everything. Have you ever wondered why most people sleep their problems away? It’s because when you sleep, your body naturally reduces cortisol and other stress hormones.

Practicing Mindfulness and Relaxation

Pay attention to your thoughts as they barge in. Are they negative? Are they positive? It is important to be mindful of your thoughts and be aware of what is happening in the present moment. This will be of great service to you in reducing stress and anxiety. You can incorporate practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your everyday life, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization.

What is the Type of Thought that You’re Giving Importance to?

We often feel negative because we give importance to our negative thoughts. We fail to understand that our thoughts, irrespective of positive or negative, have the power to materialize. How about you break the pattern this time? How about you stun yourself and do the complete opposite of what you normally do? This time, give your negative thoughts the air and become the ultimate ball of positivity for yourself.


Dealing with an illness is not less than a journey. It includes bumps, speed breakers, and a few smooth rides along the way. No matter what, it is important to keep your seat belt fastened and not lose your cool when there’s a heavy traffic of emotions. While you’re dealing with anxiety, remember to stay patient and be easy on yourself. Keep yourself prepared for things not going your way at times, and make peace with it. Consistency is key, so every time you fall, come back harder. Tell your problems that you’re bigger.